Monday, June 30, 2008

A Rare Compliment for David Brooks

I'm not a big David Brooks fan by any means,  but anyone interested in the political money game in this presidential election cycle (or any recent cycle for that matter) should take a look at this very brief Brooks column that recently appeared in the New York Times.  

It details the alignments of various sectors of corporate America with the two major political parties while pointing out a rather sobering fact: no matter who wins this fall's election, elite corporate powers will be well placed in their mission to continue the expansion of corporate influence on the policies of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.  It also discusses the wide reach of Goldman Sachs, a firm that might have more political power than any other private entity in the world.  Do a little research if you don't believe me.

No Age at Good Records, Tonight 6/30/08

Show starts at 6:00 pm.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

our group

join, and allow everyone an equal opportunity to dissect, and make fun of your listening decisions.

Friday, June 27, 2008

listen to radiohead's live set in dallas

Just right-click (to download) or click (to stream) the links embedded in the set list here.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Denton's Pyramids Reviewed in Pitchfork

This slightly better than so-so review of Pyramids' debut full length is the second review of a Denton originated band to appear in Pitchfork this week. The best part is that the Pyramids review actually makes sense. Imagine that...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

flaky comments

we don't moderate comments even if they are flaky, lame, stupid, in poor taste, etc.. however our connection to google is having some minor issues, and is a little flaky. so if you post a comment and it doesn't show up.. try again or wait a couple minutes, and try again.

i'm working with google to resolve this as we speak.

tom waits photos

Mr. Waits put on a fantastic show last night. And although I bitch about the Palladium's set-up, it really does provide amazing sound for the handful of shows I see there. This was no exception. His backing band was spot-on, including his son on drums and an incredible one-man horns section that I fell in love with. As for Tom, his stories and songs came alive with his familiar brand of whimsical spookiness. Personal favorites of the night were Invitation to the Blues and a rousing sing-along to Everybody Row. Well worth the price paid.

In addition, a friend of mine allowed me to smuggle in her little point and shoot camera. And since my SLR wouldn't fit in my bra, excuse the quality and enjoy some photos from the show.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Silver Jews To Play Denton

The Silver Jews are finally making a North Texas appearance, the first that we've heard of since Dave Berman went to the Greenhill School in Addison. The show is September 20th at Hailey's. Can you imagine the sing-along if they play "Dallas?"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

george carlin died today

Best remembered by most for his irreverent and deadpan humor, George Carlin died June 22, 2008 in Los Angeles. After being admitted to the hospital with chest pains, he finally succumbed to heart failure. He was 71 years old.

And I will always remember him on Shining Time Station, if that gives away how old I am. RIP Mr. Conductor...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Negativland to release song-based album (w/MP3)

On July 15th, 2008, Negativeland is set to release their first song-centered album in 28 years, called Thigmotactic. Check out the tracklisting below and more on their website.


01. Richard Nixon Died Today (MP3)

02. Lying On The Grass

03. Extra Sharp Pencils

04. It's Not A Critique

05. Basketball Plant

06. Two Light Bulbs Flickering

07. By Truck

08. Jack Pastrami/Flower Bum

09. Influential You

10. Virginia's Trip

11. Steam On A Whim

12. Pork In The Store

13. Perfect Little Cookies

14. Kind of Grumpy

15. Your Skin Is Gelatin

16. Omnipotent Struggle

17. Rancho Pancho

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Red Blood Club is closing

Flier for the last show to take place on June 15th.

From The club's Myspace page:

The Red Blood Club will be closing its doors for good on June 15, 2008. This completely breaks our hearts, but we have been trying to fight a battle that we cannot seem to win. Since the new SUP Ordinance was put into place we have been struggling. This is mostly due to the very unfortunate stabbing that took place in November of last year, which really hurt us. The City told us if we wish to remain open that we must have 2 Certified Peace Officers at every live music event from 10 pm to 2 am. Since then we have had to do shows early, having them over by 10 so that we did not have to pay 2 cops at $50 per hour each. We have had some shows go until 12 am and we had to pay $200 for cops on those nights. At several of those shows there were maybe 10 people that showed up and we still had to pay $200 to the cops and then pay our sound guy and door guy. You can do the math and see that it does not work. Some people have complained about our door prices and some even complained about our drink prices. We were not trying to make a buck off anyone...we were simply trying to keep the doors open.
We would like to thank EVERYONE that came out to RBC and showed their support. We would not have made it this long without you! We would also like to give a very special thanks to a few people: Mike "Red Blood" Whittington for allowing us this opportunity, Justin Powers for ALL his hard work and commitment to booking, Alison w/ DEEP!!!, James Blood and Ashley for helping us get the place ready to open, Josh for just being awesome, Adam Carter for being there when we needed him, Milane for all that she has done, Amanda and Troy Destroy for ALWAYS being there, Vickiy for her generous donations, all our past bartenders, door people and sound guys, ALL the bands that have played here, Frank Campagna, Turner, and the other artists that donated their art and time to help us raise money, Reno's for hosting the stabbing victims benefit, and all our close friends and family that supported us in this endeavor!
I would like to ask that you all keep us in your memories. There were SO MANY kick ass shows at RBC and even more good times. We made a lot of new friends and even a few enemies! It will all be missed greatly.
Please be sure to continue to show your support to Doublewide, Bar of Soap, Reno's and The Granada. They really need you and when they are gone there will be nothing!
We will be planning a "Grand Finale" party that will take place at RBC. The details will be posted soon.

We love you all!!

x0x0x0x0~ April & Brad

Monday, June 2, 2008

diorama-o-rama benefit june 14

Build a diorama to fight Hodgkin's Lymphoma: for more details...


photos photos photos


--the 'click chicks' opening at the dallas contemporary during the CADD art fest

--THE party @ zubar friday night

--what i imagine to be a preview of the la vista block party next week



Black Market Funnel Cakes
Black Market Funnel Cakes
Black Market Funnel Cakes

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fuck Yeah Fest with Matt and Kim and The Death Set at 1919 Hemphill

1919 Hemphill will host the metroplex date of Fuck Yeah Fest featuring Matt and Kim, the Death Set, Team Robespierre and Brothe Reade on Saturday, June 28h. Get there early, duh.