"his (Obama's) false promises and superstar personality is gonna ruin our country.
he thinks he can walk in an instantly change the country and make peace.
there are countries that have hated us before we started wars with them.
they didn't hate us because of things we do, they hate us cause its how they are brought up, in some places its even part of their religion.
at least mccain understands that military and security are things that ALWAYS need to come first. i mean wtf dude, obama has NO experience in dealing with the military and he wants to be in charge of it? bullfuck.
i dont want palin as a president, she is too inexperienced and who would want a woman running this country anyway? not me!
but mccain is a very healthy and active human being and has no intentions of letting go of his presidency over the next 8 years.
its SO fucking trendy to vote obama. half of you only vote obama cause its the cool thing to do or its what your friends are doing...or its because the media make obama out to be some sort of superstar.
im voting mccain and it doesnt matter if you think its bullshit, because my vote is a well educated and morally supported vote"
Uh, nothing personal friend, but you have it all wrong. McCain has experience in the military, but what did that get him? For starters, McCain was only admitted to the Naval Academy because of his family connections, a fact that was perfectly illustrated by his graduation at second to the bottom of his class, which was soon follwed by one of the worst flying records in the history of the Navy. Also, having experience is one thing, but if you're an idiot, how much does that experience really help? The problem is that McCain, much like the Bush Administration, is stuck in a cold war mentality with an aim to wage conventional war against unconventional enemies. The strategy in Iraq was costly, destructive, and entirely off base. Obama understands this, and McCain doesn't. John McCain's foreign policies have put this country at greater risk than its ever been before, and they've accomplished absolutely nothing. Thankfully, the old man doesn't stand a chance next week, so we don't have to make a big issue out of it.
What a dumbass. (MC Router, I mean)
i don\'t know sr, it seems kinda wrong to call her out publicly for having a different political opinion than you and yr cronies.
now if it was for making annoying music...
The statement was made in public to all her fans, so I don\'t think its wrong to comment. And its not as if I\'m insulting her in any way, just discussing.
Oh awesome, the \"morally supported vote\". That\'s done really well in the past...oh wait...Bush anyone?
Claiming \"well educated\" voting is also hilarious considering all the typos in that post.
She really needs to look deeper into the issue of why other countries hate us. In almost all cases, it has much more to do with the terrorism we inflict on them (whether fear-mongering propaganda campaigns, economic sanctions, military occupation, or paramilitary operations) to prop up corrupt governments, destabilize healthy ones or otherwise try to exert influence on their political structure. Many times, the anti-American rhetoric that is taught to their children is caused by (and reinforced by) the fact that they only need to look out of their window to see the American military presence in their xenophobic countries, and the adverse effects of said presence.
How many people are there who actually believe the president needs to know everything there is to know about military operations, foreign policy, the economy, health care, and so on, before they take office? There seem to be a lot of people I\'ve talked to about this election who forget that the president\'s cabinet members do most of the dirty work, and therefore should be the experienced ones. Anyone who has checked the prior experience and approval ratings of past presidents can tell you that, as a general rule, the two are inversely proportional.
McCain is healthy and active? Have you seen the last couple years of his medical record? And exactly how active can you be when your arms don\'t have full mobility?
The trendy argument takes the cake though. That\'s one of the most unintelligent reasoning for not voting for a candidate that I\'ve ever heard, right behind \"I don\'t trust black people.\"
She has fans?
Who is this? Why should anyone care what she thinks?
She doesn\'t even know how to use an apostrophe.
Anything to be different and get attention I guess.
Also, I love the whole \'McCain is a war hero!\' BS.. dude got SHOT THE FUCK DOWN! Just like he is going to on November 4th.
Cue this fattie posting about how she isn\'t \'nerdcore anymore\'
mixed up girl
right wing apologist,
just because she has a different political view then I, and the rest of the staff.. most of the staff has a wide spectrum of political philosophy.. and in general no 2 members have the same political views.. your statement infers that we have the same political views, and agenda.. we do not.
that being said. I can agree with mc router that a lot of young individuals are voting for obama because it is trendy. however I believe they are doing so for the same reason that she has posted this rant. a complete lack of understanding of the political, social, and economics structures that make up this country.
in general we have two right wing centrist, and obama is a little bit less on the right. basically the same situation as all the other u.s. elections in the past.
This is so goddamned bogus man. Who fuckin\' cares who wins? Like it\'s gonna make a goddamned difference. Some poor people will cry tears of happiness when he\'s elected, and that\'s nice and all but that shit\'ll wear off pretty quickly when they\'re still as fucked as ever two years from now. This is me jacking off.
Harumph SR... Harumph.
The only people who still support McCain are crazy fundamentalist and decrepit cold war hold overs. This election is beyond partisanship. The republican party is a mere shell of it\'s former self. It has been taken over by a group of people who\'s interest lie solely in spiritual prosperity and not the progress and betterment of our nation as a whole.
I feel bad for McCain. He isn\'t a bad guy, but he is not the one in control here. It\'s the same people that throw Ayers name around, accuse opponents of Atheism and suggest we should implement McCarthy like tactics to out liberal members of our government. The same people who have been Fing us in the A for the past ?? years.
I feel sorry for people who are missing out on the Obama train. This is the first time in my 26 years that I feel a kinship to the people of my nation. Its a really great feeling. I think alot of people will look back at their jaded selves circa 08\' and kick themselves for not being on board from the begging.
Are all of our problems going to be solved? No. But I can\'t imagine a better step in the right direction than elect Obama.
Obama 08
And some people have waaaaaay too much in this country by waaaaay to nefarious means. That shit needs to stop.
Bill Ayers rocks by the way. I just ordered that Weather Underground doc from 02. Been wanting to see it forever, and now thanks to John McCain I have a perfectly good occasion to do so!
\'some people have waaaaaay too much in this country by waaaay too nefarious mean. that shit needs to stop\'
in what country in the world is this statement not true? and what is obama going to do about it?
\'decrepit cold war hold overs\'
for people over 40, the cold war was part of more than half of their lives. how much do you remember from your six years of the cold war? i\'m not saying it wasn\'t silly, but for a very large portion of the population it was life, for a LONG time!
i\'m not sure liberals need outing, they do plenty of that themselves.
did you not \'feel a kinship with the people of your nation\' after 9/11? or were you one of the few people that thought that was a good thing?
The weirdest part about this post isn\'t even about mccain. it\'s that once again, mc router hates on women.
i wonder how GLAD feels now about having this skeez play a benefit show???
Maybe she is just trying to be shocking.
Vote Obama 08 faggots and just keep telling yourself that something, anything will actually change. They\'re both the same. Either way we\'re fucked. America is a shithole with only the illusion of a democracy. People take sides, put tacky bumper stickers on their cars, the McCainiacs get all worked up and do whatever rich, stupid religious fundies do, and the Obama supporters have a self-congratulatory circle jerk. It doesn\'t matter. It\'s all just masturbation. Fuck it all.
it might just be masturbation, but at least i\'m the one getting off.
all of these folks that say it does not matter are the reason that we are in the mess Bush made for us anyways. Ever wonder what the world would be like if Gore had won. Al Gore = Nobel peace prize winner. George Bush = habitual liar and warmonger.
I just lost almost all of my 401k in the markets along with my coworkers. We can feel how much differance it makes first hand. Apathy from whiny jerks is what is killing this country and has let the republicans rule the roost for all of these years. If you really pay attention to politics you know Obama is clearly center-left not center-right. Probably the most liberal candidate to have a real shot of the presidency.
Mc Router is obviously quite ignorant and totally devoid of the FACTS. I feel sorry for her. Thankfully her candidate does not have a chance in hell. Hopefully we get the 60 seat majority as well.
Time for a change
7:40 am.. you may be void of some facts.. Obama is clearly center-right.. just like every modern president in the u.s.
Now there are center left, and left in the house.. and only a couple in the senate.
We can thank the dumbing down of the public from both the republicans, and democrats for these misunderstandings of what left, and right thinking are. And the confusions of liberalism / conservatism..
As far as the noble peace prize.. It\'s a completely political prize.. Look at the list.. A large some of the winners are war criminals, and terrorist who brought peace by deciding to stop killing people. I find it fairly funny that the poor who have to resort to crime in order to just live are punished without any second thought, and those punishing them are praised. But when a leader for the ruling class starts killing people.. then works with the people he\'s killing to find \'peace\' that leader is given a prize. So if you think winning a prize that both Henry Kissinger, and Yasser Arafat have won makes you a good leader.. well..go look at what those 2 have done.. and think very hard about that conclusion.
This being said.. Unlike 2:33am.. I do feel the U.S. still has a lot of potential. Even though we have a class system. Our class unlike other places in the world does not limit access. As long as you can afford to do x y z.. you can do x y z.. in most other places in the world if your last name is not right.. or you religion isn\'t right.. or your race isn\'t right.. it doesn\'t matter how much money you have you can\'t participate in x y z.. Also as anarchy continues to grow in the west we\'ve seen it blossom in the U.S. for the past 30 years.. and completely explode post 95.. the internet, blogs, social communities are replacing our needs for the ruling class to \'give\' us information. we are working with minimal structures to form our own groups, and tribes.. faster then pretty much most of world. Financial turmoil, and political strife will only help make the U.S. stronger, and less reliant on our 1 party 2 faction system. Which to me.. is a good thing. And because it\'s happening fairly peacefully, and riot free.. is also another good thing.
\"In what country is this not true...\"
I know that we are not the only country to exploit our citizens. I guess I just expect more from my country. Obama has numerous ways that he is proposing to work on the situation. Including infrastructure fixing in Washington, regulations, funding social programs and making sure rich people pay their far share. These could be empty promises, but it is more than McCain is bringing to the table.
\"kinship during 9-11\"
I mourned with my country, but I didn\'t feel a kinship. Now that we have squandered our time with Iraq and other non-Taliban smashing endeavors, I do feel a kinship with my country. People are pissed and it\'s easy to see why. We were attacked and did nothing about it, in fact our leaders expolited the situation to push other agendas.
\"cold war\"
I should have said cold war tactics. I was referring to the division that the current administration/fundies are basing their success on. Good and bad Americas, you are with us or against us. This is the same feeling, from what I have read, that the red scare attempted to invoke.
2:33 - Fight the power dude.
Shut the fuck up you fucking commie.
\"In what country is this not true...\"
I know that we are not the only country to exploit our citizens. I guess I just expect more from my country. Obama has numerous ways that he is proposing to work on the situation. Including infrastructure fixing in Washington, regulations, funding social programs and making sure rich people pay their far share. These could be empty promises, but it is more than McCain is bringing to the table.
\"kinship during 9-11\"
I mourned with my country, but I didn\'t feel a kinship. Now that we have squandered our time with Iraq and other non-Taliban smashing endeavors, I do feel a kinship with my country. People are pissed and it\'s easy to see why. We were attacked and did nothing about it, in fact our leaders expolited the situation to push other agendas.
\"cold war\"
I should have said cold war tactics. I was referring to the division that the current administration/fundies are basing their success on. Good and bad Americas, you are with us or against us. This is the same feeling, from what I have read, that the red scare attempted to invoke.
2:33 - Fight the power dude.
\"In what country is this not true...\"
I know that we are not the only country to exploit our citizens. I guess I just expect more from my country. Obama has numerous ways that he is proposing to work on the situation. Including infrastructure fixing in Washington, regulations, funding social programs and making sure rich people pay their far share. These could be empty promises, but it is more than McCain is bringing to the table.
\"kinship during 9-11\"
I mourned with my country, but I didn\'t feel a kinship. Now that we have squandered our time with Iraq and other non-Taliban smashing endeavors, I do feel a kinship with my country. People are pissed and it\'s easy to see why. We were attacked and did nothing about it, in fact our leaders expolited the situation to push other agendas.
\"cold war\"
I should have said cold war tactics. I was referring to the division that the current administration/fundies are basing their success on. Good and bad Americas, you are with us or against us. This is the same feeling, from what I have read, that the red scare attempted to invoke.
2:33 - Fight the power dude.
\"In what country is this not true...\"
I know that we are not the only country to exploit our citizens. I guess I just expect more from my country. Obama has numerous ways that he is proposing to work on the situation. Including infrastructure fixing in Washington, regulations, funding social programs and making sure rich people pay their far share. These could be empty promises, but it is more than McCain is bringing to the table.
\"kinship during 9-11\"
I mourned with my country, but I didn\'t feel a kinship. Now that we have squandered our time with Iraq and other non-Taliban smashing endeavors, I do feel a kinship with my country. People are pissed and it\'s easy to see why. We were attacked and did nothing about it, in fact our leaders expolited the situation to push other agendas.
\"cold war\"
I should have said cold war tactics. I was referring to the division that the current administration/fundies are basing their success on. Good and bad Americas, you are with us or against us. This is the same feeling, from what I have read, that the red scare attempted to invoke.
2:33 - Fight the power dude.
shut the fuck you you got damn nazi religious fundies.
Fuckin assholes. Always being dogmatic.
she\'s ugly, so who cares what she thinks anyways?
I used to be an officer of GLAD, and we very deliberately did not invite MC Router to play our benefit show. Maybe you\'re thinking of FMLA - I also strongly encouraged them to kick her off their line-up. Most of their officers wanted her off, but the person in charge said no.
Cliff Notes- you are well-informed and seem like a good human but thinking nationalistically never got noone nowheres. It still equals betterthanyourcountry which ends in war and death and rubble and start over with someone else in charge.
I disagree on the whole Obama center right thing. He has a lot of traditional left leanings in many of his policies. He is a staunch moderate on enough issues to make him attractive to the not so liberal sect. As far as education, health care and tax reform he is definately center-left.
he\'s center left?
health care.. his plans only speeds up public wealth going to private entities. seems center right to me.
tax reform.. want to return taxes to the 90\'s tax code.. seems center right to me.
education.. want to give tax credits for those wanting to attend private institutions, and wants to keep no child left behind.. which if a school leaves kids behind a private institution is put into place for the public school to \'help\' out.. seems pretty center right to me.
7:04 .. borders, and states/nation-states are somewhat silly.. nationalism does not always lead to war.. case in example.. sweden.. heavily nationalistic, and proud of themselves.. however they are a nation dedicated to neutrality. now have they made some poor decisions because of their neutrality.. yes.. is it hard to remain neutral when the world is in conflict.. yes.. does there policy of second class citizenship for immigrants a form of apatheid.. yes.. but then again they don\'t go around trying to inforce the \'swedish\' life style around the world.
That being sai, and returning to the US. In a lot of ways the one almost incredible thing about our constitution is that, even though it is ignored, it says that the rights it explains are not rights given to us by the constitution but they are the rights which we receive because we are born. That is one of the most non-nationalistic statements in any state or nation-state constitution. So for us to be truly nationalistic means we must observe the human rights of ALL others. Sadly both republicans, and democrats pay very little attention to this constitution thing.
other countries DO hate us because of what we do. where have you been? and how, as a female, can you possibly vote for a candidate who doesn\'t support your right to choose?
i hope this is a joke:
\"who would want a woman running this country anyway? not me!\"
yes, palin sucks but to say you don\'t want a woman running the country? scary.
first world trade center attack... first part of clinton\'s term.
9/11... first part of bush\'s term.
what\'s next? terrorists don\'t have to do much to get the warmongers over here wriled up. obama (if he doesn\'t become to center-fied) is the only chance that we can break the american way of life... continual warfare.
look where a reactionary attitude got us after 9/11?
mccain is as reactionary as a you can get... palin\'s even worse.
is that where we want to place our bets? continual warfare?
voting for obama gives us a chance at least.
first world trade center attack... first part of clinton\'s term.
9/11... first part of bush\'s term.
what\'s next? terrorists don\'t have to do much to get the warmongers over here wriled up. obama (if he doesn\'t become to center-fied) is the only chance that we can break the american way of life... continual warfare.
look where a reactionary attitude got us after 9/11?
mccain is as reactionary as a you can get... palin\'s even worse.
is that where we want to place our bets? continual warfare?
voting for obama gives us a chance at least. of doing something differnt
how is a vote for obama a vote for the end of continual warfare?
he wants to pull out of iraq.. yet still leave military for support of the iraq police, training, and intelligence.
he has no time table for leaving Afghanistan..
he has also stated that the border areas of Pakistan are fair game for strikes.
if you are voting for obama as more pragmatic thinker about how the u.s. wages it\'s warfare then that is one thing. if you are voting for him as a peace bringer.. well.. peace be with you.
Router is a strange girl. I used to hear her talk about how she supported George Bush and anti abortionist at shows. She\'s very self conscious and thinks that every time somebody does something she disagrees with is being trendy.
She made a myspace blog entry about why women need men. And how she couldn\'t be a sniper when she joined the military because she has periods.
Strange person.
Router is a strange girl. I used to hear her talk about how she supported George Bush and anti abortionist at shows. She\'s very self conscious and thinks that every time somebody does something she disagrees with is being trendy.
She made a myspace blog entry about why women need men. And how she couldn\'t be a sniper when she joined the military because she has periods.
Strange person.
william ayers for president! jeremiah wright for vp!
(y\'all think i\'m kidding!)
aaron you just ruined any chance you had for running for president!
you guys cry too much.
i am entitled to my political opinions. it my myspace and the majority of my fans accept my views even if they don\'t agree.
it\'s called freedom of speech, and just because i think differently then WSJR or any of it\'s bloggers, or anyone else on here that is bringing my music into this, wants to sit here and complain about a bulletin i posted, then delete me from your myspace. you don\'t have to talk to me or read my bulletins or listen to my music.
you are just as pathetic as you are making me out to be, if you sit around talking shit about someone for not having the same political views as you..
fuckin walk it off WSJR.
dont you have better things to write about?
MC Router, mmmmm, I\'d definitely knock the bottoms out if ya catch my drift.... Amirite?!?
Great for a toss or two for sure.
On a scale of 1 to I\'d-do-her, she scores a 12.
it is called freedom of speech.. i think that\'s why this was posted. you are free to offer a list of why you think obama sucks.. why mccain rules, and or.. whatever..
this being said.. it was your bulletin post, you posted it for others to know how you feel,and you do have 622 friends so you did open yourself to public scrutiny.
k thanx
this is obviously satire. those points she made were overly generalized to be tongue-in-cheek. you guys are highly defensive and more gullible than i would like to think.
actually, this is very typical of MC Router. I know, it\'s hard to believe, but she really is that stupid.
can you imagine your grandmother having a tattoo like that? people need to think ahead when getting ink. i\'m going to laugh so hard at dumbasses with chest tattoos that no one gets anymore, assuming we all make to old age.
I least when i make \"bold statements\" over the internet i don\'t post anonymous. so fuck you.
you think i\'m stupid? WALK IT OFF DICKMEAT.
You seem even more stupid when you keep writing \'walk it off\'
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i don\'t think your stupid.. i don\'t know you..
you don\'t post anonymously on the internet.. you post under a pseudonym.. I am also doing the same..
that was painful to read.
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MC Router is ugly and she doesn\'t know what she\'s talking about.
hill billy
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