Thursday, December 25, 2008

shit to do tonight, and tommorow

you guys list the rest of the shit to do this weekend..

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 charts

charts from our group

if you download, and join our group you will affect these charts.

i still have know idea how unique to our group is calculated...

1. Animal Collective
2. Broken Social Scene
3. Deerhunter
4. Radiohead
5. The Magnetic Fields
6. Sonic Youth
7. Crystal Castles
8. Belle and Sebastian
9. Tortoise
10. Air

unique to our group
1. Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti
2. Patton Oswalt
3. High Places
4. Little Wings
5. Crystal Antlers
6. Phosphorescent
7. Deerhunter
8. Tortoise
9. John Maus
10. Times New Viking

Monday, December 15, 2008

Another Solid NYE Idea: Exploding House

This has been one of the more buzzed about NYE shows we've read about this year... looks like it could be a big one:

Orange Coax

An Early NYE Idea

If you're looking for something to do in Dallas other than a house party or whatever, here's an idea:

Keith P
Sydney Confirm
Disqo Disco

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Darktown Strutters Songs Posted

Swing by the Darktown Strutters Myspace page to check out three excellent new songs from them. I love being right about stuff!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My First Beef with Obama

I knew it wouldn't take long, but scrapping the idea of immediately repealing the Bush tax cuts for top income earners?  Not only does this go back on the major populist promise Obama made during the campaign, but it really doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense from an economic standpoint either.  Check this out for more.  

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Local Restauranter Is Unlikely DIY Champion And Friend To The Homeless

Artur Pira, owner of Aboca's Italian Grill in Richardson, has put on an annual all-ages rock show at his restaurant, and was recently written up in The Dallas Morning News for his red carpet treatment of a homeless woman that frequently shows up at the eatery. Needless to say, I am a big fan of this guy. Read the story here.

Photo By David Woo/DMN.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Strawberry Fields Is Shutting Down.

Details to come. I'd link to the list of stuff they're selling on Craig's List, but I'd like to buy some of it before you do.

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Damaged Good$ Video

Damaged Goods just posted what I believe is their first official music video (although I'm not entirely sure of this) on their Myspace page, and here it is for you:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

tim delaughter was @ FXXI today

i'm actually going to deny this story.. cause well then you guys would know i was at forever 21 today...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Chloe Sevigny was @ Lola's Tonight

Apparently she is traveling with Gang Gang Dance. Just thought I'd tell you. Did she dance extremely provocatively throughout all of Gang Gang Dance's set? Yes. Was it one of the hottest things I've ever seen in my life? Pretty much.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 charts

charts from our group

if you download, and join our group you will affect these charts.

1. Radiohead
3. Animal Collective
4. Deerhunter
5. The Magnetic Fields
6. The Beatles
7. The Smiths
8. Broken Social Scene
9. Elliott Smith
10. David Bowie

unique to our group
1.The Magnetic Fields
2. Deerhunter
3. Dirty Projectors
4. DJ /rupture
5. Silver Jews
6. Castanets
7. Animal Collective
8. Gang Gang Dance
9. The J. Geils Band
10. Fucked Up

fucked up.. baiting the public

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

some old dood talking about todays election

so which centrist right politician who doesn't represent public opinion did you vote for?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Official Democratic Party Election Night Watch Party in Oak Cliff

Our pal Holly Jefferson, over at Halz Haz A Say, tipped us off to this event, which sounds like an excellent way to spend election night. Here are the details:

Official Democratic Party Election Night Watch Party
Bishop Arts District in Oak Cliff

413 N Bishop Ave.
Tuesday, November 4
6:00pm - 11:30pm

Watch the outcome of a historic election with your Democratic
candidates, elected officials, and fellow Texas Democrats at a street
festival in Oak Cliff's Historic Bishop Arts District!

Election results will be broadcast on three large screens on N. Bishop
Avenue, and live music from the main stage will keep the energy going
all night!

Complimentary remote parking is available at the Oak Cliff Tower
building (A.K.A. Bank of America building), located at 12th and
Beckley. A complimentary shuttle bus will run continuously to and from
the festival.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

MC Router: Nerdcore's Lone McCain Supporter

This Myspace bulletin post from MC Router kinda breaks my heart a little:

"his (Obama's) false promises and superstar personality is gonna ruin our country.

he thinks he can walk in an instantly change the country and make peace.

there are countries that have hated us before we started wars with them.

they didn't hate us because of things we do, they hate us cause its how they are brought up, in some places its even part of their religion.

at least mccain understands that military and security are things that ALWAYS need to come first. i mean wtf dude, obama has NO experience in dealing with the military and he wants to be in charge of it? bullfuck.

i dont want palin as a president, she is too inexperienced and who would want a woman running this country anyway? not me!

but mccain is a very healthy and active human being and has no intentions of letting go of his presidency over the next 8 years.

its SO fucking trendy to vote obama. half of you only vote obama cause its the cool thing to do or its what your friends are doing...or its because the media make obama out to be some sort of superstar.

im voting mccain and it doesnt matter if you think its bullshit, because my vote is a well educated and morally supported vote"

Uh, nothing personal friend, but you have it all wrong. McCain has experience in the military, but what did that get him? For starters, McCain was only admitted to the Naval Academy because of his family connections, a fact that was perfectly illustrated by his graduation at second to the bottom of his class, which was soon follwed by one of the worst flying records in the history of the Navy. Also, having experience is one thing, but if you're an idiot, how much does that experience really help? The problem is that McCain, much like the Bush Administration, is stuck in a cold war mentality with an aim to wage conventional war against unconventional enemies. The strategy in Iraq was costly, destructive, and entirely off base. Obama understands this, and McCain doesn't. John McCain's foreign policies have put this country at greater risk than its ever been before, and they've accomplished absolutely nothing. Thankfully, the old man doesn't stand a chance next week, so we don't have to make a big issue out of it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Dallas DIY Venue?

Yes, maybe some of our dreams might be coming true!  Imagine, one of the largest cities in the United States finally getting a D.I.Y. venue!  Anyway, we don't know much about all of this quite yet (except that we're guessing the folks who run it are interesting in hardcore, metal, grindcore, etc.), but even just a sliver of good news for Dallas proper is worth discussing, no?  Here is a repost we found on Myspace:

SO.​.​.​.​.​.​word has been getti​ng aroun​d that a new music​ venue​ is comin​g.​.​.​.​and it is true!​ We begin​ clean​ing the space​ out and prepa​ring it for use on monda​y!​ We hope to have it going​ and have our first​ show befor​e the end of novem​ber!​ We have a lot of plans​ for this space​,​ in addit​ion to live music​.​ This will be a conve​rgenc​e space​ for many of activ​ities​ and peopl​e.​ Every​thing​ from youth​ outre​ach,​ food not bombs​ comes​ back to dalla​s (​yey!​)​,​ guest​ speak​ers,​ unsch​ooler​ works​hops,​ and more!​ This is going​ to be somet​hing reall​y cool like dalla​s hasn'​t had in a long time.​.​.​and needs​ more than ever.​ We have sever​al indep​enden​t inves​tors that have pitch​ed in to make this happe​n.​ If you would​ like to DONAT​E to the cause​ you can click​ the paypa​l donat​ion butto​n on our page.​.​.​.​or just click​ the link at the botto​m of this email​.​.​.​.​.​send it to all your frien​ds too!​!​!​!​ .Any littl​e bit helps​,​ $1, $2, hell we will take ur pocke​t chang​e!​ If every​ gives​ a littl​e it will do A LOT!​!​ ALL money​ will go towar​ds the space​ and makin​g neces​sary impro​vemen​ts so we can get the doors​ open.​ Also,​ we will be selli​ng food/​drink​s at NO THANK​S this weeke​nd to raise​ money​ as well.​.​.​.​THANK​S AND LOOK FORWA​RD TO MORE UPDAT​ES!​!​

Here is the Myspace page. We'll find out more and get back to you ASAP.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yo Pussy, The Feds Totally Fuckin' Broke Up and Shit, Bro

Wow. Worst band ever? These are like the high school football jocks who started a band because they only made B team. Fuck these guys in the face.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

on the outs

tonight - 10/14/2008
the website is going to have a 10 minute partial outage around 10pm then we're going to be fully down for like an hour and a half starting at midnight.. so like no conspiracy theories or nothin.. we're still alive..

p.s. does my work day ever end???

William Claxton dies at 80

Born in Pasadena, California, Claxton's works included a book of photographs of Steve McQueen, and Jazz Life, a book of photographs depicting jazz artists in the 1960s. He was most noted for his photography of jazz musicians including Chet Baker. Claxton also photographed celebrities and models.(src:wikipedia)

article about his life

Friday, October 10, 2008

reckless finance, failed politics, and the global crisis of american capitalism

so we posted some videos of kevin phillips speaking back in july.. repeating his mantra of the last few years.. "it's going to collapse"..

now his mantra is "we're not even close to the bottom"

p.s. sr do you have my copy of Boiling Point?

Thursday, October 9, 2008 charts

charts from our group

if you download, and join our group you will affect these charts.

Animal Collective
Cut Copy
Beach House
Broken Social Scene
Daft Punk
My Bloody Valentine

unique to our group
Beach House
Abe Vigoda
Animal Collective
French Quarter
Cut Copy
Ruby Suns
Nite Jewel

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

meridian room closed

The home to many a We Shot JR meeting; The Meridian Room is closed..

The current excuse is that the State Fair pushed them out. Because Expo Park is dead with the State Fair going on.. which is strange because this weekend, tons of people were at Expo Park.. And when is the availability of a few million more customers an issue?? There's probably more to this story then what has been given to the media outlets, and their employees.. but I guess unlike Pegasus News, and The Observer I don't accept explanations with glaring holes in logic.. but like Pegasus News, and the Observer, I'll simply be too lazy to get more information about it.

Maybe we can blame the credit crisis??

Oh yeah, nobody buys cd's anymore.. so.. Cd World closed also..

Thursday, September 25, 2008

free hot chip tickets

well not free free.. but..

for each can of food you bring, and for each cd you buy at good records you will get a hot chip ticket

so you now have a choice..
you could be a jerk and buy a 30 cent can of beans, and a 4 dollar ctr cd..
or you can be a nice person, and bring 4+ cans of beans, and purchase a cd..

either way your not payin for a 20 buck ticket that has an additional 8 dollar ticket master charge..

remember people are hungry, hot n miserable down south.. help'em out

We Shot J.R.--Best Local Music Blog in "Best of Big D"

Hmm... kind of hard to determine how to react to this somewhat backhanded compliment, but I guess the main point is that I am smart and most of you are dumb.  How does that make you feel?   

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

let's play... WALL STREET BAILOUT!

i think i know who is going to end up losing

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Knight House to Open in Denton on Saturday

In case you didn't know, there are a lot of things going on in Denton on Saturday night, and the one we might be looking forward to the most will occur at a house located at 1433 Knight St., which has been dubbed, strangely enough, The Knight House. Here is a bit about it, directly from the source:

The "Knight House" is a new house venue looking to cater to new media/electronics based artists. The house is run by Darcy Neal who is a fresh young texas girl trying to create a stir in the artistic culture of Denton County. She aspires to create an art collective in this new space. They have dedicated a room for painting and sculpture, another room that's dedicated to works in clay, with a kiln and a wheel, and a space for electronic related gear and work.

Saturday's line up looks very solid as well:

Operation Playmate

And here is a bit about Austin's Operation Playmate, who will also be playing the DMA late night on Friday night:

Austin "electro-naut " Eric Archer conjures polyrhythmic electronic music from an array of hand-built synth and drum circuitry, a raw mess of bare boards and exposed wiring soldered together with love for minimalist design and generative composition. His recent work has been featured regularly in the Make Magazine blog, including "The Electric Gongs", a sound art installation designed for Austin Childrens' Museum.

Erich Ragsdale bio:

Erich Ragsdale is a musician, DJ, and filmmaker who deals in the synthesis of future art forms using forgotten media formats of the past. He currently performs with Low Red Center, mVsclz, Pataphysics, and recently completed "Stereopticon", an installation of stereoscopic photography at Austin's The Opera House.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

register to vote!

you have until the 8th for the presidential
information here

also.. vote for your weshotjr fav's here

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pink Floyd's Richard Wright, Dead at 65...

Of cancer. He had some really great moments, specifically "Paint Box" and "Summer '68." LINK

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 charts

charts from our group

if you download, and join our group you will affect these charts.

1 M83
2 Grizzly Bear
3 The Magnetic Fields
4 Lindstrøm
5 The Beatles
6 Deerhoof
7 Caribou
8 Black Moth Super Rainbow
9 Why?
0 Nirvana

unique to our group
1 Mayo Thompson
2 Adrian Orange
3 The Ex
4 The Ventures
5 Lindstrøm
6 U.S. Girls
7 Luna
8 Karl Blau
9 Atlas Sound
0 Hercules & Love Affair

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

new itunes available

apple released a new 'revamped' itunes.
download it here

Mundo Live on Vienna's Play FM

Dallas dubstep producer Jason Mundo is in the middle of a highly successful tour of Europe right now, and since most of you won't be able to catch him while he's over there, you might want to click on this link and head over to Play FM to hear a live mix from Mundo, broadcast from Vienna, Austria. The link to his set is at the top of the page, and other mixes are available from high profile DJs such as Switch if you're interested. You can get more info here, including links to the mix itself, which is, according to Mundo, taking place live at 3PM central time.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Yes, Intelligence really IS playing Club Dada on Tuesday

These people should really start paying me for this bullshit. Despite the fact that Club Dada's website (Myspace page) does NOT show it on their calendar, Portland's acclaimed Intelligence (feat. members of A Frames) will be playing there Tuesday night with locals Wax Museums. The show also hasn't found its way on to any of the major local show lists either, and we only found out about it thanks to a comment in the comments section of today's Monday Morning Rock. So, way to go readers!

Oh, and way to go Deep Ellum too! I guess if it isn't Black Brian Jonestowncycle Club, no one gives a shit in that neighborhood. Lets try to advertise the few decent shows that DO happen down there before we cry about the ones that don't, ok guys? At least make us feel bad when we tell people that your venues aren't worth visiting.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

like new photos posted!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

weekly charts

charts from our group

1 Deerhunter
2 The Clientele
3 Slayer
4 Pavement
5 Wu-Tang Clan
6 Nirvana
7 Midlake
8 Nas
9 The Black Angels
0 Fleetwood Mac

unique to our group
1 Fight Bite
2 Tim and Eric
3 Gary Wilson
4 Lee Hazlewood
5 The Dead Milkmen
6 Todd Rundgren
7 The Clientele
8 Harry Nilsson
9 Hercules & Love Affair
0 The Black Angels

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

obama supporter meet n greet

obama supporter meet n greet at all good cafe between 7-8pm thursday sept. 4..

one time at all good i ordered coffee, mimosa, water, and a chili dog.. then after that was finished.. i split a short stack with my friend.. true story.. they also have a cute staff.. another true story..

Monday, September 1, 2008

Free Download: New Tommyboy Mix (Link Fixed)

Tommy Boy, who has become one of our favorite new DJs this year (local or otherwise) has a new mix for download. Get it here.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

bar of soap is closed

bar of soap is closed.. no longer to reopen.. sad to see another venue close.. meth heads will have to drink somewhere else..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FBI Arrests Blogger Over Guns N' Roses

Which element of this story do you find the most ridiculous? CLICK HERE.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

new release by prince klassen

¡mi fresh! from prince klassen is now on sale at good records n waterloo.. here's a preview..

Friday, August 15, 2008

Jerry Wexler dead at 91

Gerald "Jerry" Wexler (January 10, 1917 – August 15, 2008) was a music journalist turned music producer, and was regarded as one of the major record industry players behind music from the 1950s through the 1980s. He coined the term "Rhythm & Blues", and was integral in signing and/or producing many of the biggest acts of the last 50 years, including Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Led Zeppelin, Wilson Pickett, Dusty Springfield and Bob Dylan. Wexler was inducted in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1987. {source: wikipedia}

Bob Watson, Old School Deep Ellum Guy, Has New Band

I admittedly don't know very much about Shallow Reign, a late 80's Deep Ellum group that was apparently a major part of the scene at one time, but Bob Watson, the group's former lead singer, has started a new project called Plumbrella, which recalls groups like Galaxie 500 with lazy reverb heavy vocals and a very distinct country influence a la Flying Burrito Brothers and the slower country ballads of the Rolling Stones. Check the wonderful "Could Would End" for an excellent example of the group's work-- it's one of the most surprisingly pleasant local songs I've heard this year.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Doug Burr Song to Be on Some T.V. Show

It looks like local singer/songwriter Doug Burr will soon reach the pinnacle of contemporary indie success, i.e. having a song featured on a t.v. show or video game. Burr's "Should've Known" will appear on an ABC show called the Secret Life of An American Teenager next Tuesday, August 19th. This is apparently a pretty big hit show with the kids, so I 'm assuming it's dumb. These kinds of t.v. appearances are seen as a pretty big deal in the industry these days, so we'll see if anything good happens to Mr. Burr because of it, even though we can be pretty sure that gaining "street cred" will NOT be among the positive consequences.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

isaac hayes dead at 65

good night chef
news link

Kyle Comments Banned

Ok, we're sick of this shit.  Time for a change!  Just like we banned the phrase "jumped the shark" a while back, we're now banning all comments made by anyone who posts under the name "kyle," as well as any anonymous comments relating to or appearing to come from you-know-who.  As most of you know, we are extremely hesitant to ban or erase anyone for saying anything around here, and we basically never do such things under any circumstances.  However, the constant thread jacking and reposts are getting ridiculous and hindering discussion, and shit, this is our blog, so we do what we want!  We apologize to anyone else who happens to be named Kyle.  Any Kyle comments that appear from here on out will be erased.  Thanks.  

Monday, July 28, 2008

WSJR And Our Readers Featured in D Magazine

D Magazine kicked a shout out to us in their most recent issue, the 2008 Best of Big D. Our staff was awarded the "Best Watchdog" award, and they even gave props to our anonymous commenters. Sweet. Read it here.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why Picking on the Observer Isn't Funny Anymore

The following list of Dallas Observer Music Award winners kinda slams home the point that making fun of the Observer and its amazing readers is sort of like picking on a retarded kid for being stupid. DJ Burlap? Fair to Midland's pussy asses winning best metal? 1100 Springs winning everything else? Maybe I SHOULD move to Austin:

Eleven Hundred Springs – Best Band

Sarah Jaffe – Best Solo Act

Eleven Hundred Springs - Best Album

Jonathan Tyler and the Northern Lights - Best Blues Act

Eleven Hundred Springs - Best Country/Roots Act

Mom – Best Electronic/Experimental Act

Fair to Midland - Best Metal Act

Sarah Jaffe - Best Folk/Acoustic Act

Erykah Badu - Best Funk/R&B Act

Astronautalis - Best Rap/Hip-Hop Act

Snarky Puppy - Best Jazz Act

Sarah Jaffe - Best Female Vocalist

Good Records - Best Label

Salim Nourallah - Best Producer

Granada Theater - Best Venue

Good Records - Best Record Store

Kris Youmans - Best Booking Agent

Chelsea Callahan - Best Music Advocate

DJ Burlap - Best DJ

Sean Kirkpatrick - Best Instrumentalist

Boys Named Sue - Best Cover/Tribute Act

Matt Hillyer - Best Male Vocalist

Dove Hunter – Best Indie Act

THe BAcksliders - Best Hard Rock Act

"Slow Southern Home" - Doug Burr - Best Song

Whiskey Folk Ramblers & Tejas Brothers (tie)- Best New Act

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who Wouldn't Want Cowboys Fans Around?

Apparently people in Phoenix, that's who. I personally hate the Cowboys, so I could give two shits. Ban em all!

New Tame... Tame and Quiet Tracks

Ft. Worth's Tame... Tame and Quiet have an entire set of new tracks posted on their Myspace page... you can click on the link above and go over there and listen to them and stuff.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Upcoming Shows You Might Care About

July 24th: Wolf Parade (Palladium)
August 2nd: Big Daddy Kane (Granada)
August 8th: Ariel Pink (Hailey's)
August 22nd: Miss Kitten (Palladium)
August 23rd: My Morning Jacket (Palladium)
September 4th: Weedeater (Rubber Gloves)
September 5th: Mudhoney (Granada)
September 9th: Why/Mount Eerie (Granada)
September 16th: Ratatat (Granada)
September 2oth: Silver Jews (Hailey's)
September 23rd: Juan MacLean (The Loft)
September 25th: Spiritualized (Lakewood Theater)
September 25th: Hot Chip (Palladium)
October 2nd: Jonathan Richman (Rubber Gloves)
October 13th: Magnetic Fields (Majestic Theater)
October 15th: Robert Pollard (The Loft)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Swiss House show photos

Check Swiss House photos of Fight Bite, MVSCLZ, Tommy Boy, and Hard Place here.

Magnetic Fields to Play Majestic Theater

Magnetic Fields will make a rare appearance in Dallas on October 13th at the Majestic Theater. Tickets go on sale at 10am this Friday via Ticketmaster. Can't wait for this. The rest of the tour info is here.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

senate votes on the telcos free pass

Today (7/9/2008) the FISA(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) bill comes to a vote on the senate floor. The new version of FISA grants immunity to the telcos from lawsuits for their cooperation with the government on domestic spying post 9/11.

Some say all those that support the bill should be punished

Obama who originally opposed the bill; now supports the bill to look "tough" on the terrorist.

here are some back stories.
Whistle-Blower's Evidence, Uncut
AT&T Whistle-Blower Hits D.C. To Stop Telcom Spying Immunity

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

huge sale at public trust

The Public Trust Presents...

PAPER JAM: 2 Day Print Sale.

Fri. July 18th 12-9PM (Paper Jam Party from 6-9PM)
Sat. July 19th, 2008 12-6PM

The more prints you purchase the bigger discount you receive, up to 40%
off. These are all original prints signed and editioned by the artists.
Prints will be available from: Evan Hecox, Cody Hudson, Dalek, Mike
Giant, Jeremy Fish, Mel Kadel, Michael Sieben, Travis Millard, Brian
Gibb, Jay Ryan, Steven Hopwood-Lewis, Mark Ryden, Gary Taxali and

2919-C Commerce St.
Dallas, TX 75226

Dallas Observer Music Awards Showcase Schedule

Well we got our hands on a copy of the Dallas Observer Music Awards Showcase Schedule before the paper released it to the public, and we thought we'd share it with you. There are a few highlights here and there (Akkolyte; Hawatha; Yells at Eels; etc.), but I honestly couldn't imagine sitting through even one of these shows in full. Could you? For the most part, it looks like pretty much any other subpar night on Greenville Ave. The showcases take place on the evening of July 19th, and sets start every hour on the hour beginning at 7pm. How this is better than the Quick Awards (as the Observer claimed it would be), I'm just not sure:

Billiard Bar
1920 Greenville Ave

Holy Diver
Carmen Rodgers
Yells at Ells
Spector 45
Whiskey Folk Ramblers

1914 Greenville Ave

The Frenz
Hawatha Hurd
Sean Kirkpatrick
Bridges and Blinking Lights

Gezellig 2010 Greenville Ave

Naptime Shake
Snarky Puppy
Inner City All Stars
Cool Out
Blixa Boy

Stout 1924 Greenville Ave

Glen Reynolds
The Slack
Matthew and the Arrogant Sea
Salim Nourallah and the Noise

Sugar Shack 1909 Greenville Ave

100 Damned Guns
the Backsliders
Sydney Confirm
Dove Hunter
Wild in the Streets

Monday, July 7, 2008

Video From History at Our Disposal Cell Phone Show

The guys from History at Our Disposal have sent us some video footage from their recent cell phone show.  During the live performance at Hailey's a couple weeks back, fans from around the country were invited to email photos from their cell phones live, and the images were added into a video presentation by Martin Illes right there on the spot.  There are more of these videos to come, apparently, but this one provides a good idea of what the show was like:

New Farah Tracks Posted

If you cruise over to Farah's Myspace page, you'll find the first of three new tracks that she'll be posting on her page over the next three days (one each day).  The first track is called "Bruise Color Blue" and it's quite different from the stuff she'd been working on with producer Johnny Jewel-- the track has a much harder and more sinister edge to it while maintaining that kind of weird sensuality that all of Farah's tracks seem to contain.  It's sort of like M.I.A. doing a cover of "Justify My Love."  The new sort of hip hop meets industrial sound comes courtesy of Los Angeles producer GSpider, and it's pretty interesting to say the least.  

Saturday, July 5, 2008

sun city girls photos

Click here.

no age photos

Sorry it took so long, but here are some photos from the No Age show at The Loft. Enjoy!

happy bday america!

hope the hang over isn't too bad!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Zanzibar Snails Reviewed in Latest Edition of The Wire

Denton/DFW area's Zanzibar Snails recently received a very positive review in June 2008's edition of Wire Magazine, perhaps the most respected avant/experimental/improv music periodical in the world. To put this into perspective just a bit, a positive review in Wire is to a group like Zanzibar Snails what a review in Spin Magazine is to a group of douchebags. Wire covers a very select set of the best in avant, noise, improv, outsider, and modern composition from all over the world, and a positive review in the magazine is truly an honor that should not be underestimated just because most of the people hanging out on Greenville Ave. haven't ever heard of it. Since I couldn't get a link to the review, here it is, reprinted in full:

Zanzibar Snails Krakkatowiak MAYYRH 3” CD: From Denton, the past home of Texas’s space rock programme, The Zanzibar Snails have emerged as one of the region’s more interesting units over the past couple of years. They appear as a quartet here, using feedback, sax, electronics and percussion to create an extremely neat kind of racket. The feel is akin to The Dead C jamming with Paul Flaherty, and you’d have to agree, that’s a good goddamn feel. - Byron Coley, THE WIRE

Zanzibar Snails have two shows coming up this month, including July 19th at Hailey's and July 22nd at Rubber Gloves with Harvey Milk.

Monday, June 30, 2008

A Rare Compliment for David Brooks

I'm not a big David Brooks fan by any means,  but anyone interested in the political money game in this presidential election cycle (or any recent cycle for that matter) should take a look at this very brief Brooks column that recently appeared in the New York Times.  

It details the alignments of various sectors of corporate America with the two major political parties while pointing out a rather sobering fact: no matter who wins this fall's election, elite corporate powers will be well placed in their mission to continue the expansion of corporate influence on the policies of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.  It also discusses the wide reach of Goldman Sachs, a firm that might have more political power than any other private entity in the world.  Do a little research if you don't believe me.

No Age at Good Records, Tonight 6/30/08

Show starts at 6:00 pm.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

our group

join, and allow everyone an equal opportunity to dissect, and make fun of your listening decisions.

Friday, June 27, 2008

listen to radiohead's live set in dallas

Just right-click (to download) or click (to stream) the links embedded in the set list here.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Denton's Pyramids Reviewed in Pitchfork

This slightly better than so-so review of Pyramids' debut full length is the second review of a Denton originated band to appear in Pitchfork this week. The best part is that the Pyramids review actually makes sense. Imagine that...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

flaky comments

we don't moderate comments even if they are flaky, lame, stupid, in poor taste, etc.. however our connection to google is having some minor issues, and is a little flaky. so if you post a comment and it doesn't show up.. try again or wait a couple minutes, and try again.

i'm working with google to resolve this as we speak.

tom waits photos

Mr. Waits put on a fantastic show last night. And although I bitch about the Palladium's set-up, it really does provide amazing sound for the handful of shows I see there. This was no exception. His backing band was spot-on, including his son on drums and an incredible one-man horns section that I fell in love with. As for Tom, his stories and songs came alive with his familiar brand of whimsical spookiness. Personal favorites of the night were Invitation to the Blues and a rousing sing-along to Everybody Row. Well worth the price paid.

In addition, a friend of mine allowed me to smuggle in her little point and shoot camera. And since my SLR wouldn't fit in my bra, excuse the quality and enjoy some photos from the show.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Silver Jews To Play Denton

The Silver Jews are finally making a North Texas appearance, the first that we've heard of since Dave Berman went to the Greenhill School in Addison. The show is September 20th at Hailey's. Can you imagine the sing-along if they play "Dallas?"

Sunday, June 22, 2008

george carlin died today

Best remembered by most for his irreverent and deadpan humor, George Carlin died June 22, 2008 in Los Angeles. After being admitted to the hospital with chest pains, he finally succumbed to heart failure. He was 71 years old.

And I will always remember him on Shining Time Station, if that gives away how old I am. RIP Mr. Conductor...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Negativland to release song-based album (w/MP3)

On July 15th, 2008, Negativeland is set to release their first song-centered album in 28 years, called Thigmotactic. Check out the tracklisting below and more on their website.


01. Richard Nixon Died Today (MP3)

02. Lying On The Grass

03. Extra Sharp Pencils

04. It's Not A Critique

05. Basketball Plant

06. Two Light Bulbs Flickering

07. By Truck

08. Jack Pastrami/Flower Bum

09. Influential You

10. Virginia's Trip

11. Steam On A Whim

12. Pork In The Store

13. Perfect Little Cookies

14. Kind of Grumpy

15. Your Skin Is Gelatin

16. Omnipotent Struggle

17. Rancho Pancho

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Red Blood Club is closing

Flier for the last show to take place on June 15th.

From The club's Myspace page:

The Red Blood Club will be closing its doors for good on June 15, 2008. This completely breaks our hearts, but we have been trying to fight a battle that we cannot seem to win. Since the new SUP Ordinance was put into place we have been struggling. This is mostly due to the very unfortunate stabbing that took place in November of last year, which really hurt us. The City told us if we wish to remain open that we must have 2 Certified Peace Officers at every live music event from 10 pm to 2 am. Since then we have had to do shows early, having them over by 10 so that we did not have to pay 2 cops at $50 per hour each. We have had some shows go until 12 am and we had to pay $200 for cops on those nights. At several of those shows there were maybe 10 people that showed up and we still had to pay $200 to the cops and then pay our sound guy and door guy. You can do the math and see that it does not work. Some people have complained about our door prices and some even complained about our drink prices. We were not trying to make a buck off anyone...we were simply trying to keep the doors open.
We would like to thank EVERYONE that came out to RBC and showed their support. We would not have made it this long without you! We would also like to give a very special thanks to a few people: Mike "Red Blood" Whittington for allowing us this opportunity, Justin Powers for ALL his hard work and commitment to booking, Alison w/ DEEP!!!, James Blood and Ashley for helping us get the place ready to open, Josh for just being awesome, Adam Carter for being there when we needed him, Milane for all that she has done, Amanda and Troy Destroy for ALWAYS being there, Vickiy for her generous donations, all our past bartenders, door people and sound guys, ALL the bands that have played here, Frank Campagna, Turner, and the other artists that donated their art and time to help us raise money, Reno's for hosting the stabbing victims benefit, and all our close friends and family that supported us in this endeavor!
I would like to ask that you all keep us in your memories. There were SO MANY kick ass shows at RBC and even more good times. We made a lot of new friends and even a few enemies! It will all be missed greatly.
Please be sure to continue to show your support to Doublewide, Bar of Soap, Reno's and The Granada. They really need you and when they are gone there will be nothing!
We will be planning a "Grand Finale" party that will take place at RBC. The details will be posted soon.

We love you all!!

x0x0x0x0~ April & Brad

Monday, June 2, 2008

diorama-o-rama benefit june 14

Build a diorama to fight Hodgkin's Lymphoma: for more details...


photos photos photos


--the 'click chicks' opening at the dallas contemporary during the CADD art fest

--THE party @ zubar friday night

--what i imagine to be a preview of the la vista block party next week



Black Market Funnel Cakes
Black Market Funnel Cakes
Black Market Funnel Cakes

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Fuck Yeah Fest with Matt and Kim and The Death Set at 1919 Hemphill

1919 Hemphill will host the metroplex date of Fuck Yeah Fest featuring Matt and Kim, the Death Set, Team Robespierre and Brothe Reade on Saturday, June 28h. Get there early, duh.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

one soldiers confession

CADD art fair this weekend


And/Or Gallery // Barry Whistler Gallery // Conduit Gallery // Craighead-Green Gallery // Gerald Peters Gallery // Holly Johnson Gallery // Marty Walker Gallery // PanAmerican ArtProjects // The Public Trust // Road Agent // Valley House Gallery & Sculpture Garden

$45 advance purchase (purchase tickets here), or $60 at the door (ticket valid for all fair days)
Hosted by Modern Luxury Dallas with complimentary valet parking, cocktails & hors d'Å“uvres.

9:45 PM Music by Austin band Shapes Have Fangs.


$10, or $5 with student I.D.
(ticket valid for Saturday & Sunday)

2:00 PM Paige West, author of The Art of Buying Art, and founder of Mixed Greens in New York, breaks through the misconceptions about contemporary art and inspires the discovery of the joy of collecting original works of art.


$10, or $5 with student I.D.
(ticket valid for Saturday & Sunday)

2:00 PM New Media Panel with Lauren Cornell, Executive Director of Rhizome and Adjunct Curator at the New Museum of Contemporary Art; Paul Slocum, Director of And/Or Gallery, artist, and musician in the band Treewave; Kevin Bewersdorf, artist and musician. Moderated by Noah Simblist, Assistant Professor of Painting and Drawing at Southern Methodist University.

3:30 PM Dallas Issues: Care and Conservation with John T. Campbell, Conservator, The Nasher Sculpture Center; Lyzanne Gann, Conservator of Photographs; Shannon Phillips and Tish Brewer, Conservators of Art on Paper and Documents, The Center for Art Conservation. Cheryl Vogel, curator at Valley House Gallery and Sculpture Garden, will moderate the discussion.

Monday, May 26, 2008

more photos

from strawberry fields denton deluxe part 1 @ rubbergloves


swiss house:


Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Year to release new music and perform new shows

You have to respect the legendary stoicism and restraint of the brothers Kadane, founders of two of Dallas' greatest exports, Bedhead and The New Year. Here we have a preview to their newest music in years, and probably the most ear catching aspect of this video is the deft mic placement:

The group will be playing three stripped down Texas dates as The Kadane Brothers, and I hope to attend at least a couple of them:


The Kadane Brothers

6/26 - Austin, TX - Emo's
6/27 - Fort Worth, TX - Lola's w/Shearwater
6/28 - Dallas, TX - Granada Theater w/Centromatic

And as a reminder of why this is news, here's a new video for an older track:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Swiss House Show this Saturday

The Swiss House, located at 3114 Swiss Ave, just confirmed the following show for this Saturday, May 24th:

Teenage Cool Kids and Trifle Tower Play KVRX

To mark the beginning of their summer tour, Teenage Cool Kids and Trifle Tower will play live on KVRX 97.1 in Austin tomorrow, and you can tune in here. Check the website to find out what time and stuff.

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Fizzy Dino Pop Remixes

Denton by way of Austin group Fizzy Dino Pop have released two new remixes on their Myspace page, Ghosthustler's "Someone Else's Ride" and Mortoric Mathematics' "Everything on E Bay." Check em out by clicking the link above. We'll have more on these guys soon mostly likely.

Dust Congress Download from KTCU

If you want a free download of Dust Congress' performance on KTCU's The Good Show, click here and get it. These downloads are divided up for you too, in case you don't want to listen to the entire thing.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Chicks Dig Radiohead, Right?

Over the past few days, I've seen tons of Myspace bulletins concerning Sunday's Radiohead show at Starplex. People looking for tickets, people selling tickets, people bragging about having tickets, people crying about NOT having tickets. Basically, Radiohead's first Dallas show in a long time seems like it's going to be a big event. Anyway, below is my favorite Radiohead related Myspace bulletin, posted by a friend of WSJR this morning (who I won't name out of the kindness of my heart):


I have an extra ticket to Radiohead on Sunday and currently have nobody to go with. Since I am feeling a bit out of the ordinary. I thought I would do something completely different from the norm. So here it is...

If you are an attractive, single, fun, female that loves Radiohead just as much as I do. Then, you automatically qualify to be my potential date for the show. If you are chosen, I will take you out to brunch (Mimosas included). Next we will headout to the theater to view a movie. After, we will go to a small Radiohead Pre-party on the roof of my friends place. Then, when we are all nice a toasty. We will venture off to see the best band in the whole entire world.

Sound like fun?!

What do you have to do, you ask? Well, simply send me a message explaining the reasons why I should pick you to go to Radiohead with me. The winner will be chosen on Saturday evening. So, I know this sounds all too weird but trust me... You will have a blast! DO IT!


Dude brah, I think you wanna take her to brunch the morning AFTER the date, know what I mean?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Life Death Continuum on Hiatus

They just posted this Myspace Message:

(the band) undergoing yet another of it's famous hiatus's, effective now. Due to personal issues, one member essential to the current line-up is opting out. I cannot currently perform with the remainder of the line-up as is, so I am dissolving the line-up until I can reconvene a better-working unit.........but with each death, a rebirth, right? That's part of the reason it's Life-Death Continuum. The initial idea has still not been put out of it's misery, and other ideas which have been stifled are screaming to get out. Every time I attempt this with new people, it's better than the last time....This is just my muse conspiring with the other drivers of my fate to force me to get this damn thing right.....So stay tuned yet, my ever faithful........the apocalypse is on the horizon,,,,,,,

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ecstatic Sunshine/Cool Out photos



Secret Dark Meat Show Tonight @ Rubber Gloves

 Vice Records' Dark Meat usher in the second era of Vice Magazine (the one where the downward spiral begins) tonight with a surprise show at Rubber Gloves.  I believe it's free since it's Big Ass Beer Night, and it's supposed to start some time around 11 I think.

Robert Rauschenberg died today

Read the article here.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Stay Cool Swag School Video

A video from last Thursday's Stay Cool Swag School Party at Rubber Gloves. We gave away some CDs at this thing, and I think we might be working with these dudes again at their next party. Anyway, here it is:

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The New York Times in Denton

DATE: 5/9/08
TO: Lionel Beehner
FROM: Editor, New York Times Travel Section
RE: Your article on the "indie" music scene in Denton, TX

Mr. Beehner:

I am writing to inform you that I have approved your article covering the "indie" music scene in Denton, TX for publication in the Saturday print edition of the Times. I wanted to congratulate you on a well written piece, as well as to point out several instances in which your talent for framing a story really stands out in the article.

In the very first sentence, you mention both "Piggly Wiggly,"(apparently some kind of quaint regional food market originating in Texas) and "dusty pawnshops," which is highly important due to the fact that every story printed about Texas in an elistist coastal newspaper must include at least one reference to "dust," "dust devils," "dusty pawnshops" or "steers and queers." You also round out the first paragraph quite well with your reference to "everyone in town" wearing their Mean Green shirts on game day. After all, this is fucking Texas, and those shit kicking Republican traditionalists "love them some goddamn football" down there (or however the hell they say it).

Finally, your summary of the Denton sound as "a lo-fi melange of southern twang and experimental indie rock that suggests Wilco and Radiohead" was spot on. After all, southern twang is what people expect from Texas, and I'll be goddamned if we're not gonna give it to em (or however they say it down there). And let us not forget your reference to Wilco (that really cool band we used to write about six or seven years ago that someone played for us at that dinner party on 85th St., right?), as well as Radiohead (that really cool band we used to write about when they did that one amazing thing a couple months ago and then we heard the Mp3 like two weeks ago at that dinner party on 76th St, right?). Both were very hip and accurate references that completely describe the sound of almost every band in Denton.

Thanks again for your hard work. Stories on Texas don't write themselves, and you've done a fantastic job exposing the real grit of their funny little country infested local music scene.

PS-- The cowboy hat pic is GREAT!!!

(PPS-- I actually didn't think the article was all THAT bad, and I'm glad it was written. I'm just sick of seeing that same shit every time I read an article about Texas music.--SR)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

bike house rummage sale today (5/10)

Tony Bones n crew are havin a rummage sale to pay various fines their house has aquired..

So if you've been too one of their punch(as in fist) filled parties then roll on by, and purchase or donate stuff.

5640 Vickery right off of Greenville. Fun starts at 2.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Stars of the Lid/ Mom photos

Check em out...


Who the Hell are Pyramids?

Micahel Chamy sent us an email a couple weeks ago about Pyramids, a Denton band that we had never heard of. Apparently, they just recently signed to Hydrahead, and according to their Myspace page, they've already been reviewed by publications such as Pitchfork. Who are these guys, and why had no one in the local press ever heard of them before? I have no idea. Their music has been compared to Jesu, as well as a number of other shoegaze touchstones including My Bloody Valentine. I'm not really hearing the latter comparison, like at all, but I can sort of see the Jesu thing, as well as similarities to groups like Alcest, some of the more atmospheric moments of Boris, and even stuff like Panda Bear's first album and the excellent Atlas Sound record. If you're familiar with any of the aforementioned influences, none of this stuff is likely to shock your system, but we're interested to find out a bit more. We were reminded of all this when we saw a post about it on Denton Rock City today. Strange stuff.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ghosthustler Release Instrumental Remix track

It is their first one since Alan Palomo left the group, and you can hear it on their Myspace page.

Strawberry Fields Update

A message from Strawberry Fields:

Just in case anyone was wondering wazzup...

1. As the result of late night negotiations last night, we have worked out a deal to stay around the rest of the month. All shows are still on. Street Hassle CD release this Saturday! We are going to ask that these last couple shows be $2 instead of $1 to help out with the lease extension, that would be ever so kind.

2. We will be opening at our new location Wednesday June 4th.

3. On May 23rd and 24th at Rubber Gloves we will be hosting a denton Deluxe showcase featuring bands that have appeared on our compilation and also who we have had the pleasure to host at the store. This was in the works long before all the drama, funny how things work out. Line up are as follows I think, if I am wrong about something here, please correct. It's been a hectic couple of weeks.

Friday 23rd:Nouns Group, Fight Bite, J.Gray, Florene, Vervulf, Violent Squid, Peach Street Gang (first ever live performance!), RTB2Saturday

May 24th:Kaboom!, Street Hassle, deep Snapper, Eat Avery's Bones, Delphi, Zanzibar Snails, The International

4. We would like to plan an all day all night rowdy ass party to see our dear friend off to sea. One last all day party at the fields. We need bands and DJs. We are going to open up the back part, which we had been working on for so long , and use it as an ass shaking dance area so we need some DJs. We are going to shake it till the cops kick us out. So get ready.

5. No more rentals until after the move. If you have a movie out please return it. Especially if it is pornography. If any one has questions and or comments open it up.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Frog Eyes, Times New Viking, Evangelicals @ Club Dada

Just announced:

Friday, June 13th: Frog Eyes/Evangelicals (Club Dada)

Saturday, June 21st: Times New Viking (Club Dada)

Tickets Available at Frontgate Tickets

Albert Hofmann, inventor of LSD, dies.

At the age of 102, Albert Hofmann has

A very interesting documentary to watch about hoffmann, and LSD is called "hoffmanns potion"

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008

Quick Next Big Thing Winners

Looks like Dallas music fans are almost as dumb as white blue collar Democrats in Pennsylvania:

Big Group: Black Tie Dynasty
Big Solo Artist: Doug Burr
Big Album: (It’s a tie!) Feel by Odis, and On Promenade by Doug Burr
Big Song: “Check Out My Lean” by Lil Shine
Big DJ: DJ Burlap
Big Live Act: Eleven Hundred Springs
Next Big Thing: Big Red Rooster
Big Breakthrough: Cas Haley
Big Online Presence: PPT
Big Collaboration: Eleven Hundred Springs and Tejas Brothers

Lame choices. And who the fuck is DJ Burlap?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Show @ Wisconsin this Saturday

Show at Wisconsin DIY venue (731 Texas St. in Denton) featuring:

Rival Gang
Violent Squid
Snuff American Style

Starts at 9, usually free or very cheap.

Center for Survivors of Torture Benefit this Saturday

At Strawberry Fields. $5 donation. Line up:

Matthew and the Arrogant Sea
New Science Projects
the Heartstring Stranglers

There will also be a local compilation available in exchange for a donation, and the comp will include a lot of new material from:

Ryan Thomas Becker
Daniel Francis Doyle
Delmore Pilcrow
dust congress
shiny around the edges
much afraid (lindsey of childlike fear)
audrey lapraik
christian television
fur (bryce isbell)
heartstring stranglers
fuzzy coos

The Death Set @ Good Records

The Death Set will play an in store at Good Records on Thursday, May 1st at 6pm.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Contemporary Art Dealers Art Fair

May 30-June 1st, featuring art work from And/Or, Barry Whistler Gallery, Conduit Gallery, Craighead-Green, Gerald Peters, Holly Johnson, Marty Walker, PanAmerican, Public Trust, Road Agent, and Valley House.

$10 each day, $5 with a student ID. More on this later.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Last Word on Obama's "Bittergate"

Not surprisingly, the most insightful and relevant reaction to Barack Obama's comments about bitter rural voters and their tendency to dwell on wedge issues comes from Thomas Frank, a man who was dragged into the most recent campaign back and forth thanks to the widely publicized assumption that Obama might have based some of his comments on Franks' 2005 book What's the Matter with Kansas. Please read his op-ed in Sunday's Wall Street Journal. And props to the Journal (never thought I would type THAT sentence fragment) for giving Frank a weekly column in the paper. I'm looking forward to many more.

good records photos

What a fun party!

Happy Birthday dudes. Here's to 80 more...


Friday, April 18, 2008

Cat Power Canceled

We just got word that the Cat Power show at Palladium on Saturday has been canceled due to illness. Whatevs.

even more ways to contact, and interact with us..

check it out

Fuck Buttons to Play Good Records In Store

Fuck Buttons, a band who have been gaining rave reviews all over the blogosphere as of late for their latest, noise/ambient influenced record Street Horrrsing, will play a free Good Records in store on Thursday, April 28th at 5pm.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

this american life.. LIVE

not the same as ira glass came to the majestic.. but this american life is doing a multi-theater live presentation with ira glass...

details here

movie theaters participating in dallas here

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dana Falconberry and Matthew and the Arrogant Sea at Swiss House

Dana Falconberry, Matthew and the Arrogant Sea and Man Factory at Swiss House (3114 Swiss Ave), this Saturday the 19th. We forgot to add this to shows of note, so I thought I'd mention it. I think it gets started around 10pm.

health/dan doyle photos



Monday, April 14, 2008

Dorkbot DFW

April 27th is the first meeting of Dorkbot DFW at And/Or Gallery. If you heart electronics, check it out.

Liars and other Upcoming Shows You Might Actually Give A Shit About

4/28: Caribou (the Loft)
4/28: Mum/Tacks, the Boy Disaster (Granada)
4/29: Man Man/Yeasayer (the Loft)
5/1: Bonde de Role (The Loft)
5/1: Kanye West ( Center)
5/2: MIA/Holy Fuck (Palladium)
5/6: The Breeders/Colour Revolt (House of Blues)
5/8: Stars of the Lid/Mom/Balmorhea (Granada)
5/19: Liars (Lola's)
5/25: the Kills (House of Blues)
5/30: Night Game Cult/Silk Stocking/White Bitch/Violent Squid (Rubber Gloves)
6/5: Ladytron/Datarock (Palladium)
7/5: Ulrich Schnauss (Hailey's)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

New York Dolls to Play Granada on 4/20

But will they play any Buster Poindexter tracks? That's the big question. Anyway, they're confirmed over at the Granada, and it's apparently only the second time they've ever been to Dallas. Something tells me the Dolls are a bit apprehensive about playing in "W" country.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tommy Boy Mix CD

Newly emerging local DJ Tommy Boy, aka Tom Blackburn, has released a new mix available for free download here.  Tommy has a rather impressive resume that we'll tell you a bit more about next week, but for now, we can tell you that Tommy will be a guest at next week's Disqo Disco along with Prince William.  Anyway, his mix, entitled Automatic Loverboy, is quite a bit different from just about any other mix I've heard from a local DJ this year.  Focusing on early 80's synth infused disco and the stylistic precursors to everything from space disco to acid house, this is truly an interesting and highly danceable set of tracks.  As I said, we'll have more later, but for now, download the mix and see for yourself.  The track list is posted to the right. 

cliffnotes review of last men

men at last

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bone Thugs to Play Concert at SMU this Saturday

Nope, it's no lie. The show starts at noon, and takes place in Doak Walker Plaza. Read for yourself.

Thanks to reader Jeff Mues for letting us know about this one.

Disqo Disco Mix Download

The Sydney Confirm guys, who double as the DJs at Disqo Disco, have just put together their first mix, which you can download for free here.

Josh Baish's Earful

I'm surprised I hadn't hear about this story until just a few minutes ago. Wow. No wonder Rubber Gloves was having Boris listening parties and whatnot last month.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

the party photos

from last night:


stay tuned for Hot Flash...

Friday, March 28, 2008

More Photos

From Lost Generation, Resigned to Fate @ Red Blood, and so many more.

All for the bargain basement price of 4 easy installments of veggie korma in my belly. Aaaand thanks...




Thursday, March 27, 2008

Farah, Koji Kondo, Fight Bite Nominated For Quick Awards

Some noteworthy nominations:

- Ghosthustler, The Great Tyrant and Mom for "Big Group"

- Shane English for "Big Solo Act"

- Koji Kondo and Treewave for "Big Live Act"

- Angry Businessmen for "Big Album"

- Farah and Fight Bite for "Next Big Thing"

You can see all the nominees here, and check out the panel (which includes yours truly) here. There are some people on that list who probably weren't too happy that we participated.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

photos for days

From Jens Lekman, Die! Die! Die!, Cool Out, Dub Assembly, and Peelander Z.

Hey c'mere!

New Party Mix Posted at Central Booking

The Party has posted a new mix for download over at Central Booking's blog. The tracklist:
1. Missy Elliott - Ching-A-Ling
2. Ricky Blaze - Wifey
3. South Rakkas Crew - Madd Again
4. Faux Fox - Dirt City Rollers
5. Ghosthustler - Someone Else's Ride (10" Version)
6. Kid Cudi - Day 'N' Nite (b/w) Crookers RMX
7. 77Klash - Brooklyn Anthem (feat Jahdan)
8. Mykal Rose - Police and Theives
9. Santogold - Shove It (Switch RMX)
10. Dark Again - The Party RMX
11. Chino - Punga Don A Pebble
12. Dr. Evil - See Dem A Pree
13. Vybz Kartel - Send Fi Mi Army
14. Esau Mwamwaya - Chalo
15. Santogold - Creator
16. Blaqstarr - Shake It To The Ground (Switch Santogold RMX)
17. Mapei - Date Rape
18. Decale - Alaji
19. BLK JKS - Lakeside
Go download it if you want to.

Monday, March 24, 2008

we made some changes to the site..

it's not like we just sit around, and smoke pot all day*.. we get work done..
now you have archives.. some things are easier to read.. and it should all be faster..

p.s. post broken shit HERE

*we actually sit around, and smoke pot all day..

SXSW photos

FINALLY all up. Thanks for being patient. Take a gander:


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

jeremy yocum/silver rockets play tomorrow

Jeremy Yocum (Oceanographer) and The Last Rounders and Silver Rockets (Paul Dillon from Mercury Rev) are playing a last minute show at SPACE in Dallas on Tuesday.

Le details:
8:00 p.m.
2814 Main St, Dallas, Texas 75226
Cost : $8

Click for Silver Rockets' myspace or Jeremy Yocum's myspace.

phosphorescent photos posted

Sorry that it took so long, but now that I'm back from SXSW I'll be posting the Strawberry Fields show as well as everything from Austin. I should be done within the next couple of days.

Thanks for your patience and I hope everyone had a great weekend, Austin or not.

Monday, March 10, 2008

kentucky lawmaker wishes to make part of weshotjr illegal

no more anonymous posting??? wtfomgbbq?? parents just don't understand. read about it here